Sunday, April 5, 2009

Be Gentle!

It's my first blog time. Lately the creative juices have been less than juicy, and I'm hoping word vomiting my thoughts across the interweb may in some way loosen the brilliant ideas I know are knocking about somewhere. Deep, deep down. Most likely I'll use my new verbal platform to critique the creative talents of others (read: geek out over the newest episode of Dollhouse or discuss my hatred for all things Heroes), post random pictures of the sillyness that is my life, and possibly discuss my love life. Or the lack thereof :-0

I'm still collecting my thoughts on the newest episode of Dollhouse, which I will post later tonight/tomorrow. Until then, I'll end this new bloggy endeavor with a few things about me. I graduated from The University of Georgia with a double major in English and Film, I like red wine, dancing, and the color blue. I love all things Joss Whedon, Kevin Smith, most things comic related, and I'm a bit of a geek. Ok, bit of a big geek. I've also finally bowed to peer pressure and joined twitter, come follow me if you dare

That'll do as far as short introductions go. Next up will be my thoughts on Dollhouse, and what I think the show's odds of surviving are. Ta till then!

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